Evike.com is holding their annual East Coast customer appreciation game, co-produced by Moondog Industries, PSI and members of NYC Airsoft. They'll be bringing tons of give aways and prizes to all of the players. Come and meet the EvikeTV crew and support the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, the world's largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services.
May 18, 2013
Paintball Sports
230 Camp Sunset Rd., Plattekill, NY 12528
08:30-09:30 Sign in/Chrono
09:30-10:30 Briefings and Deployment
11:00-17:00 Game
17:00-18:00 Pizza and Raffle
All tickets must be pre-paid at Evike.com (no field payments accepted). A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. A shipping and handling fee will be added at checkout which covers the mailing of the player packet to every paid player containing rules, map and event patch. Deadline for refunds, April 1, 2013. For refunds or requests for team changes contact Evike.com Read here: viewtopic.php?f=97&t=1813
$25 Early Bird + $5 S&H SOLD OUT
$35 Standard Admission + $5 S&H SOLD OUT
After buying tickets from Evike.com, make an account for this board. Make sure you complete the requirements. http://nycairsoft.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=379
See the official roster below to confirm your registration.
• 400fps w/ .25g BB's for full-auto capable weapons
• 500fps w/ .25g BB's for semi-only capable weapons
• Full-Seal goggles with retention (No shooting glasses)
• No mesh goggles without secondary eye protection
• Adults must wear face protection (bandanna, shemagh, balaclava, mask)
• Minors must wear PB/airsoft masks, or mesh masks + goggles
• Barrel Condom/Blockers (socks and gloves do not count) for all rifles
• Red "dead" rag
• Nametape with your name/callsign or duct tape with written callsign on your vest or helmet
• >2 quarts water/hydration
• Field rations
• Boots (sturdy footwear recommended with ankle support)
• Watch/Timepiece
• Adults must present valid photo ID along with both signed waivers (PSI and Evike/NYCAirsoft)
• Minors +13 years old must have parent or guardian present at registration to sign waiver (or legally NOTARIZED)
• FRS/GMRS Radios are required of ALL players
• Pea grenades, fuse lit smoke grenades, and pyrotechnic grenades are PROHIBITED
Parents and adult friends of players may observe, photograph or video the game for free. All observers are required to:
1. Sign both waivers
2. Register at sign in with their name to record at the bottom of the roster (so we know who is out in the field)
3. Bring full seal eye-protection
4. Wear a brightly colored top
Requests and approval are required. Read more here...
In the aftermath of an outbreak of Ebola, a third of Congo's population is dead and the country is in open civil war. The country is split into 6 waring factions. The CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control) has put out a bounty for fresh virus samples from the effected regions to try and isolate the new ebola strain. Each of faction has sent armed medical teams into the hot zone in the tribal territories to find them.
Uniform requirements will be strictly enforced. Teams are defined by shirt type, pattern and color. Vest color does not matter. Player cap of 75 players per team. Players may NOT wear yellow, orange or red clothing. Password secure forums for each faction to plan and organize are in the GAME PLANNING forum. Passwords can be obtained by e-mailing your faction's Embed or CO.: viewforum.php?f=97
- The Black Shirts
Uniform: Black tops with any color/pattern pants
Background: Internal Security forces for former President Mobutu
Green's Army
Uniform: Any green camo pattern shirts with green camo pants
Background: Troops of the Congo Defense Forces loyal to General Green
Uniform: Green solid tops with solid colored pants (NO camo patterns allowed)
Background: Private security forces of the the former Minister of Finance
Uniform: Tan/Brown solid tops and solid colored pants (NO camo patterns allowed)
Background: Socialist guerillas and foreign advisors from Venezuela and Cuba
Deus X
Uniform: MultiCam tops and MultiCam pants
Background: Armed militia of a minority Congolese Christian sect
Taskforce Congo
Uniform: Any desert camo pattern (including ACU/UCP) shirts and pants
Background: NATO expeditionary force sent to evacuate diplomats and foreign nationals
Tribal Militia (NPC team)
OPFOR team tasked with defending objectives and ambush/hit-and-run mission against all other factions
Uniform: Civilian printed shirts (ie. plaid, island, etc.) except black, red, orange or yellow with jeans or cargo pants
Background: Farmers, regional police and deserters defending their villages from potentially infected outsiders
SIGN IN PROCESS (Be in line by 09:00)
1. Form one line for Sign-in and Chrono and bring:
- All airsoft guns including backup guns
- A full magazine for each of your guns
- All rifles should have barrel blockers
- All required safety gear (goggles, red rags, barrel condoms, etc.)
- Game ticket (no ticket, no play)
- Completed Evike release form (parents must sign waiver at Sign-in table)
- Completed PSI release
- Photo ID
- Show Photo ID
- Sign and submit your Release Forms
- Submit your ticket and get a wrist tag (must be worn on wrist all day)
Download the new Player Packet (below) for Morning Assembly Map