In the aftermath of an outbreak of Ebola, a third of Congo's population is dead and the country is in open civil war. The country is split into 6 waring factions. The CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control) has put out a bounty for fresh virus samples to try and isolate the new ebola strain. Each of faction has sent armed medical teams to find them, in the hot zones of the Western Tribal territories.
Join us for the first West Coast production of OP: Bad Blood, a unique 6 faction civil-war game taken from today's headlines. This is a MilSim style non-stop game without a lunch break. Players can expect eat rations in the field (do not litter). A portion of the proceeds will go to support Ebola treatment efforts by the International Medical Corps https://internationalmedicalcorps.org/e ... y-response and biology education by the the California Academy of Sciences http://www.calacademy.org/
May 2, 2015
ARC Airsoft
2120 San Benito St, Hollister, CA 95125
08:30-09:30 Sign in/Chrono
10:00-10:30 Photo Op & Morning Briefing
10:30-11:00 Deployment & Team Planning
11:00-16:00 Main Game
16:00-17:00 Final Battle
17:00-18:00 Raffle
All tickets must be purchased at Evike.com. There will be no walk-on ticket sales at the field. Admission includes event entry, wrist band/raffle ticket, hot meal and a donation to the charity. A shipping and handling fee will be added at checkout which covers the mailing of the player packets and an OP:BB event patch. Event admission is non-refundable after April 1, 2015.
$35/pp Early Bird Discount (First 10 tickets/faction)
$45/pp Regular Admission (Deadline April 20, 2015)
All players must bring a signed and completed waiver to sign-in
A player packet will be mailed with a wrist band. Email your wrist band ID# to your CO to obtain the password to log-in to your faction's secure planning forum.
FPS limits will be strictly enforced with spot checks during the game
• 400fps w/ .20g BB limit for all full-auto capable weapons
• 500fps w/ .20g BB limit for bolt-action [EDIT]
• P-Stars and HPA powered guns must be equipped with adjustment locks or TOURNAMENT style locks
• Full-Seal goggles with retention (No shooting glasses)
• No mesh goggles without secondary eye protection
• Barrel Condom/Blockers for all rifles (socks and gloves do not count)
• Red "dead" rag
• Nametape with your name/callsign or duct tape with written callsign on your vest or helmet
• >2 quarts water/hydration
• Field rations (bring your own food)
• Boots (sturdy footwear recommended with ankle support)
• Watch/Timepiece
• FRS/GMRS Radios are required safety equipment
• Pea grenades, fuse lit smoke grenades, and pyrotechnic grenades are PROHIBITED
$5 all-day fills for players with external tank powered guns.
Players who are completely registered on this forum may participate in team planning and be assigned leadership positions. Read the FULL-VERIFICATION requirements: http://nycairsoft.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=379
Vest color does not matter. Uniform requirements will be strictly enforced. Team uniforms are defined by color and pattern.
- The Black Shirts
Uniform: Black tops with any color/pattern pants
Background: Internal Security forces for former President Mobutu
CO: Wicked https://www.facebook.com/shawn.morrison.98
Green's Army
Uniform: Green camo pattern top with matching pants
Background: Troops of the Congo Defense Forces loyal to General Green
CO: John Marable https://www.facebook.com/john.h.viii
Uniform: Green solid top with any solid color pants (NO camo patterns)
Background: Private security forces of the the former Minister of Finance
CO: Boss https://www.facebook.com/AldinaChan
Uniform: Tan/brown/Kakhi solid top with solid color pants (NO camo patterns)
Background: Socialist guerillas and foreign advisors from Venezuela and Cuba
CO: Tanaka https://www.facebook.com/TANAKAAtq
Deus X
Uniform: MultiCam, ATacks-FG or Kryptek Mandrake top and matching pants
Background: Armed militia of a minority Congolese Christian sect
CO: Punisher https://www.facebook.com/Armyghy
Taskforce Kongo
Uniform: : UCP/ACU or any desert camo pattern tops and matching pants (except MulticCam, ATACs-fg or Kryptek Mandrake)
Background: Joint EU and Pan-African Union expeditionary force sent restore order
CO: Matt K https://www.facebook.com/Bungee44th
Tribal Militia (NPC team)
Uniform: Civilian plaid or Hawaiian printed shirts (except black, red, orange or yellow)
Background: Farmers, regional police defending their villages from potentially infected outsiders. Reports of deserters from factions (in full uniform) joining their home tribe are filtering out of the conflict zone.
CO: Gunfighter https://www.facebook.com/david.ciappio
Experienced airsoft players interested in participating in our national airsoft productions are encouraged to create a free account on the NYC Airsoft board to discuss team and event planning. Please remember to use your Field Callsign as your log-in ID and post a photo of your actual face as your avatar. Read this: http://nycairsoft.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=379